Monday 31 May 2010

graduate fashion week

Okay so my best friend Anna won a competition with More magazine to blog for them at graduate fashion week in London next week, and stay in a hotel with a friend and she asked me to go with her. Excited is an understatement. Anna's always been so streetwise which shows in her own blog. Each post is such a cute read, informative with her own added humour, you really should check it out. Most of the stuff I hear about first comes from Anna's blog, I just love the way she writes.

summer plans

These are my summer plans so far...

Isle of Wight festival
Summer Solstice
New York
My 21st in Vegas

It doesn't get much better than that.


Summer is literally the season where nothing matters. Everyone's so positive and i swear the sunshine motivates you to do something with your life. It was the same last year, I had tonnes planned, was the happiest i've ever been and met the most amazing boy. Now to do it all again...

it's been a while

Totally been slacking with the posts recently. Cant believe it's been two months since our last one, unforgiving. Basically a lot has been happening, disseration completed, fashion styling completed, university completed. So much to look forward to now...